Aer Lingus Scam

Some of our customers have reported receiving an email that seems like it comes from Aer Lingus and is offering a voucher as part of an anniversary offer. This is a phishing scam and has the tell tale signs which are highlighted in yellow :-

  1. Email – The email address is NOT an Aer Lingus domain email address.
  2. Subject – “Download … Today!” – Conveys a sense of urgency to get your attention
  3. Saluation “Hello” – Annonymous and doesnt mention your name.
  4. Exclusivity – “ is on that exclusive list” – conveys a false sense of exclusivity to gain your trust
  5. Link  – “Follow this link” – Links to a non Aer Lingus website which has probably been loaded with spyware.
  6. Sign Off – No Aer Lingus contact is listed.

This Aer Lingus Phishing scam has at least two different variaions – there may be more – but we suggest just deleting his email or marking as Junk.