Our Top Tips For Launch

We have a number of customers who are implementing Online Booking Systems for their businesses as part of the COVID19 Phase 3 reopening on 29th June 2020 in Ireland. Here are our top tips for any businesses operating online bookings for the first time :-

  1. Communication – Think about how/when you will communicate the message to your customers ie Facebook, Instagram, Newsletter, Website, Posters, etc
  2. Testing – Have you tested your system to be sure that the dates, times, prices, availability and emails all work as expected.
  3. Bookings – Do you know how to check on bookings as they come in and how you can cross check at any time if any unexpected customer arrives at the door.
  4. Payments – Are you ready to manage booking payments in a way that doesn’t confuse you or the customer and you can tally up at the end of each day.
  5. Training – Have you educated any other staff who need to be involved on how the booking system will work.
  6. Fallback – Have you a plan B in the event that you cannot access the booking system on the day you need to eg Broadband/Website does down.

Online Booking appointments may be a new way of working for you so a little preparation now will help to offer a smooth experience for the customer and a less stressful time for you.

If you require an Online Booking solution for your business – Get In Touch

Read More – 5 Booking Appointment Solution developed by Jascom Ltd